Raspberry Pi 3 ethernet conection for automatic upload

Hi All,

I couldn’t find the exact steps here or on the SG website, so I’m going to ask: What are the steps to connect a RPi3 sensorgnome to the internet via an ethernet cable for automatic data upload and remote access? I have this capability at a few sites and want to get this up and running.



Hi Todd,

I couldn't find the exact steps here or on the SG website, so I'm going to
ask: What are the steps to connect a RPi3 sensorgnome to the internet via
an ethernet cable for automatic data upload and remote access? I have this
capability at a few sites and want to get this up and running.

For most network configurations, all it should take is an ethernet
cable connected to a live jack or router port. The SG-Pi will request
a local IP address via DHCP, then connect to our server. At the
moment, viewing the SG's web interface remotely requires credentials on
sensorgnome.org and specific permission for the "realtime" page. I will
generate these and send them to you.

Automatic hourly data sync and processing is still not finished, but is
near the top of my priority list at the moment. It should be working by
the end of April.


John B.

Sounds great with the automatic data sync! Very much looking forward to that, it will save us a lot of field time/money…

Thanks again…

Hi John,

could it be that the “realtime” page doesn’t work? https://live.sensorgnome.org/ gives a “forbidden”- message…


Hi René,

could it be that the "realtime" page doesn't
work? https://live.sensorgnome.org/ gives a "forbidden"- message...

You can't connect directly via "live.sensorgnome.org". You have to use:


then click on the serial number for the appripriate receiver.
Doing so sets up a connection on the server that will permit "live.sensorgnome.org"
to work, for a specific user for a limited time.

(You also need these things, which you already have:

  - sensorgnome.org credentials,
  - specific permission to that page



Hi John, I was just wondering… will this download all the data present on a connected sensorgnome? or only from the time this is implemented?


Hi Thomas,

Hi John, I was just wondering.. will this download all the data present on
a connected sensorgnome? or only from the time this is implemented?

Remote sync grabs all data from the connected SG which are not already on the


I am setting up a new MOTUS tower and would like to have it do automatic uploads. Is this working? I am working with an existing motus project (PARC or Powdermill Avian Research Center), should I make the request for credentials through them?

Hi Patrick

I am setting up a new MOTUS tower and would like to have it do
automatic uploads. Is this working? I am working with an existing motus
project (PARC or Powdermill Avian Research Center), should I make the
request for credentials through them?

Yes, automatic sync is working now. You (or someone on the PARC
project) will need to register the receiver (by serial number) with a
project at motus.org before the server there will pull data.
Meantime, you can check whether your receiver has successfully
connected to the sensorgnome.org server by visiting



Hi all,

Are automatic uploads (sync) possible if we have wi-fi capabilities in our sensorgnome and it is located in a building with wireless signal? Or is an ethernet cable the only way to set up automatic downloads?
(Note: I am unable to access my sensorgnome’s wifi unless I turn off the building’s wifi signal)

Thanks so much,

If your sensorgnome is a raspberry pi.
A change in network.txt will do the trick. (located on you SG), check the info here:


Its also explained in the network.txt file.
My @home SG is connected through WIFI and uploading to motus by changes the info in this file



Hi all,

Are automatic uploads (sync) possible if we have wi-fi capabilities in our sensorgnome and it is located in a building with wireless signal? Or is an ethernet cable the only way to set up automatic downloads?
(Note: I am unable to access my sensorgnome’s wifi unless I turn off the building’s wifi signal)

Thanks so much,

Hi Patrick

I am setting up a new MOTUS tower and would like to have it do
automatic uploads. Is this working? I am working with an existing motus
project (PARC or Powdermill Avian Research Center), should I make the
request for credentials through them?

Yes, automatic sync is working now. You (or someone on the PARC
project) will need to register the receiver (by serial number) with a
project at motus.org before the server there will pull data.
Meantime, you can check whether your receiver has successfully
connected to the sensorgnome.org server by visiting



Hello John,
Yesterday I connected our receiver SG-D32CRPI38FD4 that is running on a Pi 3 via an Ethernet cable to our network. The station is showing up on the Motus site, and we have successfully uploaded data. It is not showing up in the list you linked below. Should I assume this means there is an issue on our end or is there something else you need to do on your end?

Hello John,
I have now also connected an older station (SG-1215BBBK1794) running on an old Beagle Bone via an air card at the site. It does not show up either.

Hello John,
SG-D32CRPI38FD4 is now sending data to motus.org. We had a firewall issue on our end.
The older beaglebone is not working yet. That one is going out through an air card, but should have no restrictions on outgoing traffic. Is there something in the config files that needs to be changed for the older computers to send data to motus?


You’ll likely need to update the Beaglebone software.

You’ll want the March 6, 2017 image (which you may already be running), to which you’ll then add the April 19, 2019 (standard) update.

Give that a shot and see if it you get any closer.


Has anyone here come across an error when attempting to view the web interface of an RPi connected to the Motus server? The receiver is listed as connected and has been uploading data regularly, but when I click on the SG-ID, my browser tells me the page is not working.


Thanks Adam, I will give this a try.

I have tried updating as suggested below, but no joy. I suspect it is not getting out to the internet from our Aircard.

I am moving this thread to a new one focused specifically on beaglebone, so it is not buried under a title about RPi.

A post was split to a new topic: Connecting remotely to a SensorGnome