Welcome to the Motus Community!

Welcome to the Motus Community forum!

This is a place to discuss all things Motus – from study design and research questions, to station installation and tagging, to analysis and the R package, to conservation applications.

If you are new to Motus and plan to install a station or deploy tags, please take a moment to introduce yourself and your plans so that others are aware.

By default, you will receive email notifications only for topics you have participated in. Once a week, a summary email is sent out with highlights of recent discussions. These settings, as well as your username, can be modified in Profile > Preferences.

You can update your email address and name in your Birds Canada account profile page.

Please keep the conversation centered on Motus-related topics and keep the discussion civil and respectful.

Happy Motusing!

A note about the structure of the forum:

This forum supersedes the two Google groups that were previously used -sensorgnomads and Motus-WTS. All content and posts from those two groups was migrated over to this new location so that it would remain available.

As we go along, we will be adding categories and tags, and organizing/moving the content around to fit into that structure. This is a work in progress, so you can expect to see some changes over time.